In the latest MoE bulletin, the mandatory vaccination requirements for people working in early learning services, schools and kura have been updated to require a COVID-19 booster dose. The booster requirement applies to everyone who was affected by the 15 November and 1 January education workforce vaccination mandates. This is, everyone who works for an early childhood service who may have contact with children or will be present at a time when children are also present. This includes teachers, support staff, relief and casual staff, caretakers and cleaners, as well as adults over the age of 18 living in the home where home-based education and care takes place. You can find more information on the application of mandatory vaccinations requirements by role in the 3 November bulletin. The COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Amendment Order 2022 has been published and came into force at 11.59pm on 23 January 2022. To meet the booster dose requirements as set out in the revised Public Health Order:
all affected persons need to have received two COVID-19 vaccinations as well as a booster dose within 183 days of their second vaccination.
If 183 days have already passed since the person received their second vaccination, they are required to receive their booster dose by 1 March 2022.
Any person who does not meet these requirements will not be able to continue working on site.
Everyone aged 18 and over who has received two initial COVID-19 vaccinations is able to receive a vaccine booster dose four months after receiving their second vaccination. The Pfizer vaccine booster shot is the main COVID-19 booster being used in New Zealand. An AstraZeneca booster is also available. This is also available at least four months after receiving a second vaccination of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Those who wish to receive this booster will need a prescription from their GP or vaccinating AstraZeneca clinic.